The docStudio platform is a versatile tool that allows, among other things, exporting and importing files in MS Excel format. Thanks to this, data from the form can be placed in a spreadsheet using a template previously defined by the user.
When exporting data, formulas, column headings, arrangement of elements on the form are taken into account, and basic information about the source of the exported data is included.
After opening the exported sheet, we can change not only the values while recalculating calculable cells, but also modify the structure of the form by adding new columns, rows, formulas, tables and comments. All columns and rows can be moved within the sheet, and the system will download addresses from the appropriate places, which will allow for correct import of values.
Thanks to such extensive functionality, the mechanism can be used not only in budgeting and consolidation, but also in any form of planning. This mechanism also allows you to collect any data via Excel spreadsheets.